Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pumpkin Blowout

Last Friday we had our annual Pumpkin Blowout! The Blowout is a math and science exploration that incorporates concepts of measurement (girth, height, weight),estimation and calculation along with scientific prediction, deductive reasoning and observation ...all while using our very own pumpkin! Thank you to the parent volunteers for guiding the student groups through their activities and diving into the goopey insides with us too!

During the "Sink or Float" activity the children predicted whether or not their pumpkin would sink or float prior to going to the tub of water to investigate. Listen to these students discuss their beginning understanding of concepts such as density, buoyancy, displacement and mass while they hypothesize about how and why their pumpkins floated in the tub. Bravo!


Anonymous said...

It was so much fun doing the pumpkin blowout!
Ali Fujiyoshi

Anonymous said...

The pumpkin blowout was so fun!
mike r.

Anonymous said...

I loved thepumpkin blowout it was so fun!My favorite part was when we counted the pumpkin seeds.