Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Fall" into Reading

In Reading, we are just completing Unit 1: “Our World” in the new Macmillan Treasures Balanced Literacy program. The comprehension strategies that we have been learning including story elements, main idea and details, and problem and solution analysis. The children are enjoying the weekly themes such as Antarctica and pets! During the reading of "Penguin Chick" by Betty Tatham, we focused on the comprehension strategy of main idea and details while learning about how penguin parents take care of their young. Ask your son or daughter about what other interesting facts they learned about blue whales, Weddell seals or the albatross in their small reading groups too.

To complement the whole class and small group stories, each child always has an independent reading book that is "Just Right" for them. "Just Right" is a term we use for a book that is not too easy, not too hard, and is enjoyable to read. We emphasize that everyone has their own "Just Right" reading book which is part of our supportive learning community. As the students finish an independent reading book, they are creating a persuasive poster to “advertise” the book. Everyone is very excited about earning a trip to the prize bag after reading a selection from each of the five genres in our classroom library!

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