Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Erosion Explosion!

This week in science class we built our own meandering river and observed how run-off water changed the stream bed. On the first day, we built the river using sand and marble chips. We cut the river bed into the sand table and left room open at the end for the water to flow into the "ocean". On the second day, students slowly poured three pitchers of water down the stream trough and we discussed our observations. The children observed the aging of a river by watching the erosion of the waterfall and the creation of a plunge pool in its place. Further down our river we watched as the river banks collapsed and at the mouth of the river a delta was formed ! At the end, it was hard to see where our meandering river bed had been located due to the erosion and the changing river landscape. We all loved this first-ever activity in our rocks and minerals unit.
Here is our video of the second day when "the river flowed" in Room 29!

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